DuPage County is located just west of Cook County, the county that encompasses the City of Chicago. The per-capita income of DuPage county ranks 25th of all counties in the United States. Further, this per-capita income is 155% of the Nation's average county income. *

DuPage County's population estimate for 1997 was 870,378, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The County has nearly 30,000 businesses employing approximately 500,000 in the county. Population and employment growth is expected to continue. Estimates are that DuPage County will have a population of 992,263 by the year 2020, and total employment of 810,298, making it one of the fastest growing counties in the United States.

There are 43 school districts with enrollment of approximately 150,000 within the county. The College of DuPage is a two-year community college with an enrollment of more than 35,000. The county has 13 colleges in all. Advanced research takes place at Argonne National Laboratory, a 1,700 acre high energy physics center with some 4,000 employees. Much of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, also an internationally famed high-energy physics research center, is located within DuPage county.

DuPage County features a high quality of life as a result of strong local economic growth, high education levels and careful planning. The county has 33 public libraries, 7 hospitals, 41 park districts on 4,450 hectares (11,000 acres), 57 forest preserve sites on 9,300 hectares (23,000 acres), 44 golf courses and 1polo facility.

Source: Regional Economic Information System, Bureau of Economic Analysis, June 2000


General Merchandise 6.75%
Automobiles (new) 6.75%
Food & Appliances 1.25%
Medical & Medicine 1.25%
Automobiles (used) $25 - $1,250
(depending on age of vehicle and sales price)


The Property Tax Extension Limitation Act (Property Tax Cap) is a direct result of skyrocketing property taxes in some of the Counties throughout Illinois. The Property Tax Cap limits the increase in property tax levies to 5% or the percent of increase in the National Consumer Price Index, whichever is less. The levy is the money requested by the various taxing bodies to operate for the coming year. Even though Tax Caps are in effect, individual tax bills could increase more than 5.0% in a given year for any of the following reasons.

  1. A new building is constructed on the property
  2. An addition is put on an existing building
  3. Home Rule units of government increase their levies by more than 5.0%
  4. If the property was reassessed due to changes in the market.
  5. A tax exemption is lost.
  6. Outside of these reasons, if your local taxing district requires more that a 5% increase in revenues, then the taxing district will have to go to the people in form of a referendum and ask your permission to raise your taxes.